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Pameran Bersama

8 Juli – 13 Agustus 2023

Galeri R. J. Katamsi
Jl. Parangtritis Km 6,5
Yogyakarta Indonesia

Ditulis oleh Suwarno Wisetrotomo

Artists: Abenk Alter, Addy Debil, Agus TBR, Andre Yoga, Awang Behartawan, Bestrizal Besta, Bob Yudhita Agung, Dicky Takndare, Dipo Andy, Edi Sunaryo, Entang Wiharso, Fandi Angga Saputra, Franziska Fennert, Gede Mahendra Yasa, Guntur Timur, Harishazka Fauzan, Heri Dono, Hojatul, I Made Djirna, I Nyoman Erawan, I Putu Wirantawan, Ida Bagus Putu Purwa, Iqi Qoror, Ivan Sagita, Iwan Yusuf, Jumaldi Alfi, Laksamana Ryo, Liffi Wongso, M Alfariz, M Ridwan, Nurrachmat Widyasena, Oky Rey Montha, Rangga Aputra, Rizka Azizah Hayati, Suroso Isur, and Tempa

Art in the midst of this fast-moving and helter-skelter era, has a multidimensional tendency: to become a channel for sounding, participating, celebrating, amplifying, as well as suing anything that attracts or disturbs itself, other people, situations, including disturbing the interests of many people. Works of art, as they grow at all times, also move quickly and rush through anything; boundary, definition, material, technique, presentation, form, and function. 

Contemporary art is both an umbrella and a space for such a situation—whoever the artist is and regardless of the type and genre of his work—can freely explore and make these breakthroughs: what can be imagined until it is realized. Contemporary art plays with the flow of changes, possibilities, breakthroughs, as well as overturning, as is often echoed as anything goes, and everything is permitted. In the current praxis of art, apart from being as versatile as possible, it also offers layers of meaning. Artists explore mediums, not stopping at paintings, sculptures, graphics, or drawings to build what is referred to as "identity", which is often understood narrowly as "characteristics". Now "identity" is built in a number of ways, for example ideology—with all its meaning—to voice messages and artistic attitudes; take sides or side with 'something', with a more specific goal or direction. 

The existence of a work cannot be seen from only one marker, but, again, from what it wants to say in the context of time and events, in which direction it is directed. It is the role, function, and "voice" that emerges from the work that will determine the direction and journey of the work. He, a work that grabs attention, goes beyond mere sensation, will take his own historical destiny. Can sub-values be interpreted as counter-values (as can be found in the term subculture? Or simply as indicators to see the variety of 'values' produced by artists? Of course they can be seen as 'counter-values' if that is what, firstly, the creators desire ; sue in many ways (appropriation, pastiche, mimicry, and so on). Or second, at least it appears in the visual symptoms; utilizing various materials, techniques, goals, functions, and others. Sub-Values become values and an artist's subversive attitude towards himself itself so as not to be trapped in stagnation in all aspects. 

Suwarno Wisetrotomo 



Alamat Galeri

Tirtodipuran Link Building A

Jl. Tirtodipuran No. 50

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Tirtodipuran Link Building B

Jl. Tirtodipuran No. 26

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Jam buka (selama pameran)


Tirtodipuran Link Building A

Selasa - Jumat, 12.00 - 19.00 WIB

Sabtu & Minggu, 12.00 - 20.00 WIB


Tirtodipuran Link Building B

Senin - Jumat, 12.00 - 19.00 WIB

Sabtu & Minggu, 12.00 - 20.00 WIB

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