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Phantasmagoria of Science and Myth

Mira Asriningtyas
Mitha Budhyarto
Lisistrata Lusandiana

Tirtodipuran Link, 2021

This book is the result of a collaboration between Srisasanti Syndicate, Heri Dono’s Studio Kalahan the artist collective Ruang Mes 56, which accompanies Heri Dono’s current solo exhibition at Tirtodipuran Link

Special Edition & Regular Edition
100 Copies / 250 Copies
each signed by Heri Dono

Indonesia - English

Hard Cover
124 pages

28,5 x 23 x 1.5 cm

Srisasanti Syndicate

Srisasanti Gallery, Indonesia

Part of the proceeds will be donated for charity. Every purchase will include a complimentary Heri Dono’s merchandise face mask.

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